Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Gold Dust Day Gecko

Gold dust day gecko

October 2014

I came across an article that introduced me to the Golddust day gecko. Golddust Jacob goes are very colorful and appealing to the eye. The article that I read about is mainly about the description of the gecko, the diet and what to eat, the males, and lastly care and maintenance in captivity. Some of the things that I learned about the gecko is the coldest day got the lives and lower the Madagascar are, on the Comoros, also the Goodwill has been introduced to Hawaiian other Pacific islands. Golddust day geckos can reach it orally about 6 to 9 inches the body color is a bright green or yellow screen rarely sometimes blue and purple. Used a gecko speedo there is insects and other invertebrates and capable of eating other lizards. Golddust day geckos are not endangered and anyway because there is a great number of them that was in the wild and in captivity. There isn't any controversy about keeping these data goes in captivity. If you're thinking about getting a pet day gecko for the maintenance and care in captivity these animals to be house and singly or in pairs and need a large well-planted terrarium.

Eumeces fasciatus

Five-lined Skink

October 2014

I did an article about the Skink ecause I think the Skink is a very beautiful lizard. The article I read was about common names and captive behavior, also there habitat, and geographic range for the skink. Some of the information I learned from the creature is the skink is small to medium-sized, growing to about 4 to 8 inches in total. Also, the five-lined skink extends in the north to southern Ontario, Michigan and eastern New York, it is illegal to remove skinks from their habitats in Canada. Skinks prefer moist, partially wooded habitat that providesnice shade or inside walls of buildings as well as sites to bask in the sun. You can purchase these lizards at certain exotic pet store, You can also purchase them online. The prices ranges from 14-100$ depending where you purchase them from. websites like www.backwaterreptiles.com or www.firstchoicereptiles.com and both websites sells different morphs of Skinks. Prices will vary. They aren't endangered since they're fast and very humble when kept in captivity. To keep a skink as a er you have to met with there survival needs, so I strongly recommend researching about their habitat, and mimicking that into a well ventilated aquarium. Skinks eat bugs so you can most likely can feed them crickets and other small insects, as in meal worms and super worms.

Blue Tongue Skink

Fire Skink

Red Eyed Crocodile Skink



October 2014

I was on a website in regards to endangered animals, and I came across a species that really grabbed my attention. The article that I found on the website was mainly about Tuatara's, which is a type of lizard. The article gave me information on the anatomy of the animal, also how they are in the wild and why they are endangered. Some things that I learned about the Tuatara is, The tuatara is a lizard-looking reptile that is believed to be one of the oldest species on Earth. There are two different tuatara species, the common tuatara, found only on Brother's Island off the coast of New Zealand in the Cook Strait. The Brother's Island tuatara population is less than 300. Tuatara's have been classified as an endangered species since 1895. You can't buy tuatara's because they are endangered  and there is controversy surrounding the fact that the number of tuatara's is decreasing with each year that comes by.

Northern Tuatara

Tuatara Eggs

Female Tuatara

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Dermochelys coriacea

Leatherback Sea turtle

October 2014

I chose to read about the Leatherback because these sea turtles is the largest of all living turtles and is the fourth-heaviest modern reptile. The article I read was mainly about their ecology and life history. Also I did get some information and the article also described importance to humans. This article talks a lot about their habitat and lifespan. Some things that I did learned from reading the article is, instead of teeth, the leatherback has points on the tomium of its upper lip, with backwards spines in its throat to help it swallow food and to stop its prey escaping once caught. You can find Leatherback in the Atlantic, eastern Pacific, and western Pacific Oceans. You can typically find Leatherbacks in open ocean. Leatherbacks eats almost entirely on jellyfish, Leatherbacks also feed on other soft-bodied organisms, Leatherback turtles help control jellyfish populations. You can't purchase Leatherbacks because they are endangered and they aren't mean't to be kept as a pet. There is a lot of arguments whether keeping Leatherbacks in captivity because it is illegal to and these turtles are protected by the government. These turtles are endangered due to hunting and pollution in the oceans they roam in. The most intresting fact about the Leatherback is they can get up to 7 feet.
 Female Leatherback Laying Eggs

 Female Leatherback Turtle

   Hatching Leatherback



August 2009

I chose this article because I thought it was a very interesting article to read. The article I read about is basically about where crocodiles live and what they eat and background information about how old these creatures lived for. That's what I learn about the crocodile is crocodiles are the oldest living creature which they go back as far as 200 million years, which mean Crocodiles where living in the dinosaur times. Crocodiles Luther out the watery tropics of Africa, Asia, America and Australia. Crocodiles feed on fish, reptiles, and also mammals. Then usually eat almost anything about animals that are smaller than them or almost same size. Those are some of the facts I learned about the crocodile while reading this article. You can actually purchase crocodiles at certain stores with the right permit, to purchase these animals. The only other color morphs of those crocodile is albino. You a permit to purchase crocodiles, and to keep them in captivity. There is controversy about keeping crocodiles and captivity, only because of their aggressive behaviors. Interesting thing about the crocodile is the way they do the death roll to kill there prey.
Albino Crocodile


Care Requirements:
• Big enclosure for animal to roam
• small live animals for food

• heat

Wednesday, October 15, 2014



October 2014

I decided to do some research on the most unique animal, which happens to be the Cobra. The article I read, was mainly about where Cobras are found in the world and what there diet is. Also the article told me about what they eat and if they're endangered or not. Lastly, The article gave me a brief summary about there anatomy, including there venom sack. What I learned from reading the article is, Cobras are known for the threatening hood at their neck. They spread the hood out when they feel threatened or angry. Their hood is made up of flaps of skin attached to long ribs. They are also able to lift their heads high up off the ground, which is not only kinda scary, but helps them to search for food. And they hiss loudly to scare off potential predators. Cobras live in hot tropical areas in Africa, Australia, and Southern Asia. They can be found underground, in trees, and under rocks. They live in forests near streams. There are 270 different types of Cobras and their relatives, including Taipans, Adders, Mambas, and many sea snakes including Kraits, and they all have short fangs and are all extremely poisonous.The Spitting Cobra has a special talent, The venom it spits out can spray more than 6 feet. Unfortunately for the one being spit at, this snake has near perfect aim, and will fire straight into the eyes of it’s prey. You cannot purchase them because there venomous! But there is controversy with keeping this animal captive because of violent and venomous they are. They're least concerned about this animal because there is a great number of Cobras in the wild. The most interesting thing about this animal is how some cobras can spit venom at there prey.

Nubian spitting cobra

Albino Indian Cobra 

Chelydra serpentina

Common Snapping Turtle

October 2014

So I had the time to read an article about snapping turtles. I read some interesting things about the snapping turtle. The I had read is mainly about where the common snapping turtles are located what they eat, and what they do. Some things that I learned from the article is, the common snapping turtle is a large fresh water turtle. They are usually found from south eastern Canada all the way to southwest did edge of the Rocky Mountains. Snapping turtles are known for its powerful beak-like jaw, and a highly mobile head. Snapping turtles and not make it ideal pet for anybody. There is controversy that I know that has issues with keeping keeping turtles in captivity, sleep because of how flexible their neck is they could actually reach out to the handler and bite. The only other color more that the snapping turtle have is albino which I will show a picture down below. Interesting thing about the snapping turtle is how flexible their neck is.
Albino Snapping Turtle

Baby snapping turtle

Varanus komodoensis

Komodo Dragon

October 2014

I had the time to have the time to read an article about the Komodo dragon. The article I read is mainly about the evolutionary history of the Komodo dragon the description of the Dragon and the diet, saliva, venom, and lastly reproduction. Some things I learned about the Komodo dragon is it's a large species of lizard found in the Indonesian islands of Komodo and Rinca. Komodo dragons and girl to a messy maximum length of 3m (which is 10 feet). You cannot purchase Komodo dragons because of their vicious behaviors, you can go see Komodo dragons at your local zoo. Only other color more of the Komodo dragon is albino. Most interesting facts about the dragon is there venomous saliva. Komodo dragon's live in islands are volcanic in origin, rugged and hilly, and covered with both forest and savanna grassland.
Adult Komodo Dragon

Rare Albino Komodo Dragon

Monday, October 13, 2014

Agkistrodon Piscivorus

Cottonmouth snake

October 2014

I had a chance to read about the cottonmouth snake, I learned some scary, but interesting things about them. Article was mostly about how, snakes live and how they impact nature and how they are. Want to also learn was about their venom. Somethings I learned about the caramel and they are a been a mistake species may have to southeastern United States. There a semi large body pit viper and the snake family. One feature of the snake is there very broad triangular heads. You can't purchase cottonmouth snakes at all only because of how poisonous they are but you can go see cottonmouths at the zoo. There isn't any controversy about this animal because they are the least concerned animal out there, according to the University of Florida. Most interesting thing about them, is how the snake is very aggressive and how unique there head shape is. Requirements for this animal is definitely heat because all reptiles need heat (obviously). Also they do need places where they can hide and also blend in so they can hunt for there prey.

Thursday, October 9, 2014



October 2014

I chose to read this article, because this article is very interesting to me, personally. Iguanas are the most prettiest and most unique animals out there to me. The article that I read is mainly about where iguanas are from, and the genus names and their classifications. From the article that I read I learned that iguanas, are from tropical areas of Mexico, Central America, and several islands, like Fiji and also the Caribbean. Iguanas were first found by a Australian naturalist Josephus Nocolaus Laurenti. Iguanas can range from 5 to 6 feet in length including their tail. You can actually purchase iguana at certain reptile stores. Iguanas can typically range from $23 all the way to $10,000 depending on where you get them at, or in stores like www.petsmart.com and www.vippets.com both of which sells Green iguana's for around $72 there are 10 types of iguana color morphs. There is no controversy that I know of that has an issue with keeping iguanas in captivity. Most interesting thing about iguanas is how colorful they come in and how calm they are when being kept in captivity.  
Albino Iguana

Blue Iguana

Care Requirement:
• 20-50 gallon-long aquarium
• For substrates, plain rabbit pellets.
• six heating lights to warm up the body of the iguana

Friday, October 3, 2014

Daboia russelii

Russell's viper (reptile)

August 2014

I chose to read an article on the Russell's viper, because its the most venomous, and the most aggressive snakes out there. The article that I read was mainly about how deadly the viper's venom is. The Russell's viper is one of the most dangerous snakes in Asia, mostly being responsible for thousands of deaths each year, those were some of the things I really liked about the article. What I learned from the article is, Russell's viper lives in mainly of grassy areas in southeast Asia including India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Myanmar and Taiwan. Also, Once the viper has bitten a victim, the snake delivers up to 112mg of venom and the effects begin, almost immediately. As soon as ten minutes after the bite the victim may feel pain, and death can occur in as little as 2.5 hour. You can't purchase them at all because of how dangerous they are. There's only one other color morph and that is albino. If one were do to keep a viper in a zoo, then you would need to fill out forms and need a permit. there is controversy about this animal because many people are afraid they're too dangerous to handle. this animal would most likely be an expert animal to take care of. Most interesting thing about this animal is how the venom of the snake turns blood into gelatin.

Albino Russell's viper

Requirements for survival:
  • Russell's viper It is most common in plains, coastal lowlands and hills of suitable habitat, But Humid environments, like marshes, swamps, and rain forests, are avoided.
  • This snake is terrestrial and is a nocturnal forager, but during cool weather it will alter its behavior and become more active during the day.
  • It feeds primarily on rodents, especially rodents. However, it will eat just about anything; including rats, mice, shrews,squirrels, land crabs, scorpions.
  • Mating generally occurs early in the year, reaches sexual maturity by 2-3 years of age.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Bearded Dragons

September 2014

I chose to read about this animal because I had seen an article in a reptile magazine I was reading about a week ago. The article had very nice information about Bearded dragons. The article talked about where these animals can be found, and what type of of diet they have. Also, the article did give me a good idea of how many bearded dragons there are in the world, which all I did like from the article I read. What I learned from the article I read was, Bearded dragons are from Australia, but are now available at a local pet store because of there willingness to breed in captivity. Also, they are very easy going animal, and normal bearded dragons come in a small size (around 15-22 inches) they have become really popular in the past couple of years. The only question that I do have is why do bearded dragons have a dark red under there mouths. I would love to buy a bearded, only because they're really friendly, and really energetic. Bearded dragons price range can range from 14 to 80 dollars. the website Petsmart.com and bloodbankdragons.com both sell bearded dragons and they both sell for about 20 dollars. There are only 5 different color morphs of the Bearded dragons. Different morphs can usually cost around 30-40 dollars depending on where you get them from. None of the bearded dragons are endangered in the wild, and you don't need a permit to buy a bearded dragon, and there isn't any controversy surrounding the animal about being kept in captivity. This animal is a very easy animal to take care of. The one thing I love most about bearded Dragons is how laid back they are.

Blood-red bearded dragon

Snow bearded dragon

Care Requirements:

  • Young Bearded dragons under 10 inches in length can be housed in a 20gal long aquarium. This will last them for a few months only though as they grow quickly. Adult Dragons should be housed in nothing smaller than a 40gal breeder tank.
  • Bearded Dragons require full spectrum lighting for 12-14 hours a day.
  • The temperature for this basking spot you created should be around 105f to 110f for babies, 105f for juvenites and can be around 95f to 102f for adults.
  • For substrate using sand or newspaper is good.
  • Bearded Dragons are omnivorous, meaning that they eat both animal and plant matter. Any and all food items that your Bearded Dragons eat should be no bigger than the space between their eyes.